​Selling Your Diabetic Test Strips for Cash
If you are a diabetic, you will know that your condition needs constant monitoring. Diabetics should have a kit for testing blood sugar. There are a lot of diabetics who purchase these test strips but sometimes they receive supplies of different brands of test strips. When they have chosen their best brands, the others are left aside unused. Test strips have a short shelf life and so if there is a growing collection of unused boxes, they should be gotten rid of. Sometimes people just throw these perfectly good boxes of diabetic test strips in the garbage.
Anyone who buys diabetic test strips will know that they are not cheap. There are many diabetics out there who can't afford to pay the prices of diabetic test strips because of low income or lack of insurance, and they desperately need these supplies. Many organizations provide them with supplies and you can help them too. You can sell test strips for cash and so prevent throwing them in the trash.
Some diabetes keep a lot of test strip stock on hand in case they run low, but before long they realize that have more than they really need. Also, if you receive test strips boxes regularly, you may find your extras adding up. You may not also be testing as often as you used to. You might also have changed test strip brands and sill have a supply of the old ones simply sitting around. If you were testing yourself during pregnancy, and you no longer need to do so, you might have some boxes left over that you are unsure what to do with. Or, maybe a diabetic loved one has passed away or moved into medical care residences that now provides their supplies and you are left with extra boxes with you. There are really a lot of reasons why people have extra diabetic test strips in their homes. These, if still sealed and unexpired, can be sold for cash. Know more about test strips at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test_strip.
There are dealers who buy diabetic test strips for money but the end result is the same - there are people who need these supplies who can't afford the market price. Some dealers accept any brand and would donate them to shelters or give percentage of their sales to diabetes related charities. Some of these buyers are also diabetic themselves or else have loved ones who are diabetic.
Extra boxes of diabetic test strips are of no use to anyone if they are thrown away. You can be of help to sell test strips to someone who will ensure that others who are in need will be able to make use of them.